Monday, June 16, 2014

Because of Him- April 21, 2014

Family and Friends!
This past weekend was Easter weekend and I cant help but speak of how grateful I am for our Savior and Redeemer! I have grown so much closer to Jesus Christ since I have arrived here in Brazil and I know that I will continue to grow in my relationship with Him for the rest of my life. To truly rely on the Lord for everything in our lives and submit our will to His are traits that take a lifetime to learn. I may not understand everything or even very much about what the Savior went through for us all, but I do understand how grateful I am for it. I can always be forgiven of my sins because He suffered for me. I can always overcome trials and hardships because He already did. I can live with my family forever because He lived, suffered, died, and was resurrected. I need not fear death because He died so that all might live again.  

We were at a members house for lunch and she showed us this two minute video about the Savior entitled: Because of Him
Because He lives...we all will live again
Because of Him... death has no sting, the grave no victory
Because of Him... we can start again, and again
Because of Him... guilt becomes peace
Because of Him... regret becomes relief
Because of Him... despair becomes hope
Because of Him...we have second chances, clean slates, new beginnings.
Because of Him... there is no such thing as the end.

Because of Him I miraculously have the strength to work everyday. I dont know if I have ever worked so hard and long in my life! I literally come home everyday sweaty, tired, hungry, and practically brain dead. But, it is all worth it everyday because I know that my Redeemer lives! I know that this is His gospel restored on the earth today through and real a living prophet, a man who speaks with God and directs His work here on earth. All of the blisters, sweat, and occasional tears are worth it and possible because we have a Savior that lived, died, and lives today! 
We have great members and great investigators that have made our lives easier and happy! Denys is an exceptional young man with incredible faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. He is so excited and ready to hear everything that we bring to teach him. He is working on getting married legally, so we should see him enter into the waters of baptism next month. We have countless others that we have met who have an amazing faith in God and Jesus Christ and it is truly a blessing in my life to get to know eachone of them.

Lets see...
-I tried and loved Tereré this week. It is a chilled drink that you drink through a special straw and that straw is shared with mulitple others :/ But I survived!
-Açai flavored ice cream
-A few weeks ago I tried corn flavored ice cream
-I ate the meat of the backbone of a cow, it was super fatty
-I ate the fruit cacau (the fruit which chocolate is made out of) Chocolate is better, but it was pretty good. They make the chocolate out of the seeds!

Love you all!
Remember the Lord loves you and the Church is true!
Sister Nay

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